Celebrate the Good Times with Us

Party Ideas
Girls Night Out
Happily Divorced
New Job/Promotion
Available options:
Signature Pole Party
Aerial Silks
Aerial Hammock/Sling
Aerial Lyra/Hoop
Other options may be available upon request
Base Party Pricing​
(plus tax and gratuity)
Up to 6 People :: $275
7-12 People :: $375
Additional price per person over 12 :: $25/person
The Party Line-Up
(total party time is 90 minutes)
10 minutes of warm-up
50 minutes of instruction
You choose how to spend the next 30 minutes:
30 minutes of additional instruction (no add’l charge)
30 minutes of 'free time' party room for photo & video op (no add’l charge)
30 minutes for snacks & gifts outside of the party room ($30 add-on fee)
Party Add-Ons :: $30 each
VIP Package :: Party sash for guest of honor, champagne toast (or special treat for under 21)
Themed Party :: We'll stock party favors for available themes
Please note that parties are only scheduled outside of regularly scheduled class times.