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  • I am not strong enough to do 'those things'!
    Everyone that walks through our doors starts at the beginning. It does not matter whether you have not worked out in 10 years or 10 days. What we do is very different and we are all proof that you get stronger with every single class you take.
  • I am way too old to even try this type of exercise.
    Did you know the majority of cur client base is over 30? People of all ages try our classes and SUCCEED. You can leave your age in your car on the way in because we support you in YOUR progress. We honestly don't give a hoot how old you are. We just want share how much fun we are having with everyBODY.
  • I would totally get all tangled in the fabric if I tried that!
    Well...maybe once or twice! Our instructors are really great at teaching you step by step how to do all the things so you don't get tangled up. We can't promise it will never happen but we can promise to be there for you and to teach you how to get untangled safely. :-)
  • I have NO rhythm and cannot dance.
    And? When you enter our doors, you're entering a judgement-free zone. We are interested in getting fit, having fun while doing it, and supporting each other in our individual journeys. Individuality is a big part of our culture and we will cheer you on no matter what.
  • There is NO way I'm wearing shorts that short!
    The vast majority of us have said those exact words. Here's the thing...the more advanced you get in pole class, the more you realize exposed skin is about safety. The bottom line is that fabric makes you slide. In order to stick to the pole, you need skin. Eventually you get tired of pulling up your shorts and tucking in fabric. We are all different shapes and sizes and we are proud of it! There is a misconception about attire in pole fitness classes. You certainly don't need super short shorts to attend class. You just can't wear leggings or shorts that can't be pulled up to at least mid-thigh. Have you ever tried to climb a metal pole in pants? It just doesn't work! :-)
  • I weigh too much to even try aerial classes. The equipment won't hold me.
    Unless you weigh over 3000 pounds, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! Our aerial rig holds over 35,000 pounds and each rigging point holds over 3000 pounds. There is no concern in our pole room either. Our equipment is checked every week to ensure it is 100% safe!
  • That can't possibly be sanitary!
    We keep our studio and equipment extremely clean. Fabric in the aerial room gets washed and/or sprayed on a regular basis. Every single person that walks into the pole room goes in with a spray bottle of wintergreen alcohol/water mix and a clean towel. This is multi-purpose...alcohol acts as a drying agent so we wipe down the poles more times than we can count during class. We use liquid chalk and other types of tack to make sure we stick to the pole when we need to do fun upside-down stuff so every student makes sure the pole is tack-free for the next student who comes in. We also spray down our yoga mats after every warmup.
  • I don't have the equipment to practice at home.
    Most of us don't! We have special times on the schedule that we call 'Open Gym'. These are for you to come in and practice the things you have learned in classes. While it's not an instructor-led class, we are always around to answer any questions and help you make progress every time you attend.
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